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Example of a modular monolithic codebase in Golang using hooks and dependency injection

Golang Modular Monolithic

Hooks (examples) – A modular monolithic approach


Aside from just providing usage examples for the hooks library, this is an exploration of modular monolithic architectural patterns in Go by leveraging both hooks and do (for dependency injection). It’s recommended you review and understand these libraries before reviewing this repository. Do is not required to achieve the pattern illustrated in this application, but I find it to be a very helpful and elegant approach.

I’m by no means advocating (at this time) for this specific approach but instead using this as an experiment and place to iterate with these ideas. I had a lot of success with modular monoliths with languages and frameworks before learning Golang, and I haven’t encountered similar patterns within the Go ecosystem. While microservices have become more prominent, a modular monolith can not only be a better choice in certain circumstances but if done well, can make transitioning to microservices easier.

The overall goals of this approach are:

  1. Create self-contained modules that represent segments of business logic.
  2. Avoid any patterns that reach across the codebase (ie, the entrypoint being used to initialize all dependencies, a router that initializes all handlers and routes, etc).
  3. Modules should be able to be added and removed without having to touch the core codebase at all.

Repo structure

Below is the repo structure and is just a proposed idea for an effective, clear organization, but there’s no requirement to follow this.

├─ modules/         # Modules that each represent a unit of independent business logic 
│  ├─ analytics/
│  ├─ todo/
├─ pkg/             # General-purpose, non-dependency packages which can be used across the application 
│  ├─ app/
├─ services/        # Services which are auto-registered as dependencies
│  ├─ cache/
│  ├─ config/
│  ├─ web/
├─ main.go

Golang Modules

See the func init() within the primary, self-named .go file of each module to understand how the module auto-registers itself with the application.

Golang Hooks



Boot process and registration

Below is an attempt to illustrate how the entire application self-registers starting from a single hook that is invoked.

Golang Code

func main() {
  i := app.Boot()
  server := do.MustInvoke[web.Web](i)
  _ = server.Start()

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