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A Golang based simple, easy-to-use, elegant open-source Home Cloud system

Golang Home Cloud

Golang open-source project for your Home Cloud system

Think about it seriously. Is control of our data, smart devices and digital assets now only in the hands of some big company?

It sounds ridiculous, doesn’t it? We are losing control of our own data!

Our ideal home cloud is one where you can manage all your data, devices and data assets very easily. In your own home, you have absolute control.

If you think what we are doing is valuable. Please give us a star  and fork it !


Getting Started with the Golang Home Cloud

CasaOS fully supports ZimaBoard, Intel NUC, and Raspberry Pi. Also, more computers and development boards and fully compatible with Ubuntu, Debian, Raspberry Pi OS, and CentOS with one-liner installation.

Hardware Compatibility

System Compatibility

Official Support

Community Support

Quick Setup CasaOS

Freshly install a system from the list above and run this command:

wget -qO- | bash


curl -fsSL | bash

Uninstall CasaOS

v0.3.3 or newer


Before v0.3.3

curl -fsSL | bash

Golang Project Community

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